「WOZ media」ウェブサイト事業譲渡に関するお知らせ

このたび、合同会社WOZ(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表社員:小畑和彰、以下「当社」)は、運営しておりましたウェブサイト「WOZ media」(https://woz.co.jp/media)を、2024年10月11日付で株式会社アドプラン(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役:宮下裕司)へ事業譲渡する運びとなりましたので、お知らせいたします。






2024年5月、日本の金融当局から当社に照会文書が届きました。これに対し当社は回答を提出しましたが、その後、当局から再度連絡があり、「WOZ media」に関する具体的な問題点が指摘されました。




  • 当社が紹介する海外FX業者の中に、無登録で金融商品取引業を行っているとして警告を受けた業者が含まれていたこと。
  • サイト上では日本居住者を対象としない旨を記載していたにもかかわらず、日本からのアクセスが多数確認されていたこと。
  • 日本からのアクセス制限を設けず、海外FX業者の口座開設ページへの直接リンクを提供していたこと。
  • 日本居住者が口座を開設する際、居住地確認のプロセスを設けていなかったこと。


当社はこれまで「WOZ media」を通じて、海外FX業者に関する情報提供を行い、多くの読者に有益なコンテンツを提供してまいりました。しかし、金融商品取引法の遵守を最優先し、適法な運営を確保するためには、既存事業の見直しが避けられないと判断しました。

その結果、「WOZ media」の事業を金融業界における高い専門性を持つ株式会社アドプランに譲渡し、新たな運営体制のもとで再スタートを切ることといたしました。

事業譲渡後、「WOZ media」は「ADPLAN」(https://adplan7.co.jp)として新しいブランドのもとで運営され、運営に関する全ての権利は株式会社アドプランにあります。これまで以上に投資者保護を重視し、透明性のある情報発信を通じて、ユーザーから大きな信頼を獲得するサービスとして展開していくことを期待しております。




今回の事業譲渡により、「WOZ media」の運営は終了いたしますが、当社は新たな分野での成長を目指し、挑戦を続けてまいります。皆様の変わらぬご支援を心よりお願い申し上げます。



〒150-0002 東京都渋谷区渋谷2-19-15 宮益坂ビルディング609

代表取締役:宮下 裕司
〒107-0062 東京都港区南青山2丁目2-15

English Version – Announcement of WOZ Media Business Transfer

WOZ LLC (Head Office: Shibuya, Tokyo; Representative Partner: Kazuaki Obata, hereinafter referred to as “our company”) is pleased to announce that the “WOZ Media” website (https://woz.co.jp/media), which we have been operating, was transferred to ADPLAN Inc. (Head Office: Minato, Tokyo; Representative Director: Yuji Miyashita) on 11 October 2024.

Background of the Regulatory Environment and Transfer Decision

The decision to transfer the business was driven by rapid changes in the regulatory environment in recent years. In Japan, regulations in the financial industry have become more stringent, aiming to enhance market transparency and protect investors.

In particular, regulations concerning the provision of information and affiliate activities related to overseas forex (FX) have become increasingly strict. As a smaller-scale information provider, we were compelled to reconsider our operational structure in light of these developments.

Inquiries From Financial Authorities

In May 2024, our company received a formal inquiry from Japan’s financial authorities. Although we promptly submitted our response, the authorities followed up with additional feedback highlighting specific concerns about “WOZ Media.”

The authorities concluded that the content on our website went beyond simple information provision, explaining trading conditions of overseas forex brokers and promoting account openings for Japanese residents. This activity was deemed to constitute “intermediation of over-the-counter derivative transactions” under Article 2, Paragraph 8, Item 4 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act. As our operations were unregistered, the authorities requested the immediate cessation of such activities.

They further indicated that, should the issue remain unresolved, they might publicly disclose the matter on their website or refer the case to the investigative authorities.

The key points raised by the authorities included:

  • Some of the overseas forex brokers featured on our site had been flagged for operating without proper registration.
  • Although the site stated that it was not intended for Japanese residents, a significant amount of access from Japan had been confirmed.
  • No access restrictions had been implemented to prevent Japanese users from accessing pages that linked directly to brokers’ account registration pages.
  • There were no residence verification processes in place to prevent Japanese residents from opening accounts.

Decision to Business Transfer

Through “WOZ Media,” we have strived to provide valuable information about overseas forex brokers to our readers. However, to ensure compliance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and maintain lawful operations, we decided it was necessary to reassess our business model.

As a result, we resolved to transfer the “WOZ Media” business to ADPLAN Inc., a company with deep expertise in the financial sector, enabling the website to be relaunched under a new operational framework.

Following the transfer, “WOZ Media” will be rebranded as “ADPLAN” (https://adplan7.co.jp) and managed entirely by ADPLAN Inc. Going forward, the service will prioritise investor protection and transparent information dissemination, aiming to earn the trust of its users.

Future Actions and Prospects

With this business transfer, our company will strengthen its legal and compliance frameworks to ensure full adherence to relevant laws and regulations. In the future, we will focus exclusively on information provision and recommendations that align with Japanese domestic regulations and target local businesses.

We also intend to implement a more rigorous content auditing process to ensure the transparency and accuracy of all information shared on our platforms. Additionally, we will explore new areas such as managed media operations and digital marketing support, always striving to provide high-quality services that earn our clients’ trust while remaining fully compliant with the law.

Although the operation of “WOZ Media” has now come to an end, we are committed to pursuing growth in new fields and will continue to embrace new challenges. We sincerely appreciate your continued support.

Contact Information

For inquiries related to this matter, please contact us at the following:

Representative Partner: Kazuaki Obata
Miyasaka Building 609, 2-19-15 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0002
Contact: https://woz.co.jp/contact/

Representative Director: Yuji Miyashita
2-2-15 Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0062
Contact: https://adplan7.co.jp/contact/

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  • URLをコピーしました!


小畑 和彰のアバター 小畑 和彰 合同会社WOZ 代表

名前は小畑 和彰(KAZUAKI OBATA)。性別は男。西暦1999年(平成11年)の11月12日、神奈川県 三浦市にて生まれる。東京都 目黒区在住。
2016年7月にフリーランスとして起業し、Webサイト運営・アフィリエイト広告事業を開始。2020年4月に合同会社WOZ(WOZ LLC)を設立し、アフィリエイト事業の一部を法人化。


